Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Make-Your-Own Greek Yogurt/ Yogurt Cheese

Making greek yogurt is a simple and satisfying trick that can make you feel smug and cost-effective with minimal effort and high reward. And the only ingredient required is---yogurt.

1. Buy your favorite kind of yogurt. You can easily make flavored yogurt but I've mostly used this to make plain yogurt for cooking purposes or to add honey to later, because I like the classics especially when the classics involve honey.

2. Now you need to strain the yogurt. Preferably, to do this you will use a fine mesh-strainer and cheesecloth, but if you don't have these things, you may use a plastic strainer and layer the cheesecloth in 4 layers as opposed to two. Or, if you lack cheesecloth (even though its super useful to have around), you can use either a coffee filter or a paper towel (single layer).

3. Place the strainer above a medium sized bowl so that it balances on top. Place either 2 layers of cheesecloth, a paper towel, or a coffee filter in the base of the strainer. This will allow the liquid and whey and bitterness to drain out of the yogurt and into the bowl. Refrigerate.

4. Wait. The longer you strain, the thicker the consistency. 4-6 hours will result in a yogurt with a sour cream type consistency (but not taste). 8-12 hours is perfect for Greek Yogurt. If you let it go a day or more, it will become yogurt cheese, which is also quite delicious and a good substitute for cream cheese in many recipes.

5. When it has been 12 hours or so and you are ready for delicious yogurt, remove it from the strainer and toss the liquid and whey that has gathered at the bottom. I usually just return it to the empty yogurt vessel. Flavor with any fruit, vanilla, honey, etc. you are interested in adding or use in cooking as desired.

6. Count the extra dollars in your pocket and feel good about yourself. It will last for about a week.

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