Saturday, January 29, 2011


As the first post in this bloggy venture, I feel the need to explain why in hell we felt the need to have a food blog, given the number of existing food blogs in the world today. Surely there is not an unfilled need? An un-tapped niche of slightly modified Cooks Illustrated recipes? Or is this just so our mothers can read it. Well, yes, it is so our mothers can read it. And others whom we cook for who want to know just what that thing was that they just ate. If you are concerned about the amount of butter you consume, you might not actually want to read this, but if not, here is a collection of what we cook and how to cook it. And what to drink with it, because good wine goes a long way in making you forget what mistakes we've made along the way.

So enjoy, have fun, and let us know if you try any of these yourself and if it turned out alright.

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